White Pine
White Pine
White Pine

White Pine

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Pinus strobus

The White Pine was given the official title of Michigan State’s Tree on March 4, 1955. Also known as a soft pine, they were referred to the “Tree of Peace” by Iroquois and Ojibway, Zhingwaak. Most often planted for timber production, borders and wildlife habitat.

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Growth Rate Moderate
Mature Size 50-75 ft. tall, 25-35 ft. spread
Soil well-drained acidic, clay, loamy, moist, or sandy soil
Light at least 6 hours of sun a day
Leaves 1.5-3 in. needles; have a waxy bloom
Cones 4-8 in.; cylindrical shape
Deer Browse Risk Low

Was a popular Christmas tree.

Wood used for pulp and timber products.