About the Blue Water Conservation District


About Us

The Blue Water Conservation District, previously known as the Sanilac Conservation District and Saint Clair Conservation District, were both officially organized in the 1950s by landowners of their respective counties. They were originally chartered as "Soil Conservation Districts", but as Natural Resource Management continued to grow and include water, air, and other environmental areas, the Conservation Districts' Mission grew. 

Our Mission

Assist the people of the Blue Water Area in the wise use and management of their natural resources for a healthy environment and sustained economic growth.


Meet our Board of Directors

Our District Board meetings are open to the public, and meeting times and dates are posted at both the Sanilac and St. Clair County District Offices.

Current Board:

Tim Hale, Chairman

Jay Ferguson, Vice Chairman

John O'Hair, Secretary

Gene Burgess, Treasurer

Charlie Lewis, Deputy Treasurer


Please read the Public Notice of Remote Participation for Virtual Board Meetings for more details here.

Meetings are open to the public. Meeting dates are subject to change due to holidays, farming schedules, etc. Please call either office to confirm the date of the next meeting. 

Meetings will take place on the 4th Wednesday of every month beginning at 9:00am.

November,January, March, May, July, and September meetings will take place at the Sandusky Service Center, 50 E. Miller Rd.

December, February, April, June, August, and October meetings will take place at the Kimball Service Center, 2830 Wadhams Rd.




To view our FOIA policy, click here.

Warranty Disclaimer: Trees/Plants are primarily sold as Bare Root Stock.  Blue Water Conservation District (BWCD) liability ceases when orders are picked up.  BWCD is not liable for improper handling or planting (of the plants) after the customer takes possession.  BWCD is not liable nor guarantees survivability.