White Spruce
White Spruce
White Spruce

White Spruce

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Picea glauca


White spruce is one of the most prominent species of vast Boreal Forest growing north of the United States, but it is also native to Michigan. While it is relatively slow growing, it is a long lived and very hardy tree that will be enjoyed for generations. It has any uses but is particularly great for lumber, windbreaks, and wildlife habitat

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Growth Rate
Slow to moderate 
Mature Size 60-100 ft tall, 1-3 ft trunk diameter
Soil Clay, loam; prefers well-drained
Light Shade tolerant
Leaves ½ - ¾ inch long needles, blunt tip, green-bluish color and 4 sided
Cones 1 - 2 ¾ inch long; pendulous and slender shape with thin flexible scales
Deer Browse Risk Low

Due to its excellent foliage color, short stiff needles and good nature shape these have been widely used as Christmas trees.

They have also been used as windbreaks, wildlife habitats, furniture production and sounding boards for pianos and violins.

The tough pliable roots were used by Indians to lace birch bark canoes and making woven baskets