Red Cedar
Red Cedar
Red Cedar
Red Cedar

Red Cedar

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Juniperus virginiana

Eastern Red cedar is an evergreen tree that is often seen as a shrub. Eastern Red cedars grow in fields, on roadsides, and in woods as an understory tree. They are often pioneers, meaning one of the first trees to take over a field. The bark of these trees is reddish-brown, and peeling off in shreds. Eastern Red cedars have two types of flowers which bloom in the spring. Male flowers are yellowish-brown and female are light bluish-green. It is a tree of reddish wood giving off the scent of cedar chests.

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 Growth Rate Slow
Mature Size 10-40 ft tall
Soil Tolerant; prefers dry but can withstand occasional flooding
Light Full sun
Leaves Opposite, scale like up to ¼ inch long; dark green
Cones ¼ inch wide
Deer Browse Risk High
Benefits Provides food and cover for variety of birds and mammals. Winter food and protection particularly important for pheasant and whitetail deer.
They are often pioneers, meaning one of the first trees to take over a field.
Suitable screen planting and windbreaks.